kickflip to nosegrind

cropsircle series

cropsircle series

coming soon crop sircle series

coming soon crop sircle series

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

special edition for valentine's day...

spesial hari valentine...
mau photo cwe kalian ada di deck???
pesan sekarang gan!!!!
hanya 20 pemesan saja!

100% maple, 5 plies
0% decal
medium concave
medium kick
new shape
extra pop
smooth finishing...

Defies the low of gravity

for more info:087774247759

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

2011 NEW DESIGN of clay wood fingerboard

Medium Concave

smooth finishing

100 % maple 5 plies
0 % decal
Medium Kick
Medium concave
new shape
extra POP
smooth fernish
Defies the low of gravity

IDR: 100rb + Foamtape + some sticker (exclude shiping)

get it now!!
contact person;
087774247759 (hendra)

Format sms:
No telp:
Code series: (happy hell or Zombie simpanse)
jumlah item:

Jakarta Selatan dan Sekitarnya

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Claywood new concave

claywood present the new concave,
medium concave
silk grapich
medium kick
extra pop,
smoother skin
and joy your finger!!

Get it now!!!

Kamis, 18 November 2010

Girl series fingerboard deck

wellcome to the claywood blog...we make a fingerboard deck with full grapich and the best wood.
in the mounth we made fingerbaord deck's about girls..haha
we hope you nice to see that...and you can be order..

Note: how to order???
the first you call the phone our number,
and than you choose one the our deck...
our customer service will be to tell the next step...
Joy your finger with clay wood deck..:)


Wood: 40% wallnut 60% maple
Concave: low
extra pop
medium kick
secret grapich
joy your finger...

IDR: 80.000 (promotion price)

interested our fingerboard deck, get it, and ride it!!!!!

contact us
087774247759 or 0217226770

clay wood fingerboard Headline Animator

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